Application Features

Ground Improvement

We are involved with following types of GROUND IMPROVEMENT work.

  • Ground Improvement with Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD)
  • Ground Improvement with Basal Reinforcement

Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) is used to accelerate consolidation of cohesive type of soil by offering a suitable drainage path to pore water. Prefabricated Vertical Drain material is a Strip drain with a drainage core wraped in a nonwoven Geotextile with excellent filtration properties. The Drainage core is generally manufactured of polypropylene or equivalent material and allows water to flow without any hindrance. The geotextile filter fabric prevents piping of fine soil from adjacent soil, and do not get clogged.

We do both the supply & installation of Pefabricated Vertical Drain.

Basal Reinforceent is the use of Geosynthetics Reinforcement Elements placed at the base of embankments to provide the required additional resistance to foundation failure, control of settlements, transfer of loads onto rigid inclusions or spanning over void zones.

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